Dalmatian Mascots – Nitro & More Magg! – Gregg Racing

For anybody who HAS a Dog they Love, ever HAD a Dog they Loved and, most importantly- one that Loved them back……. This Story is for you!

Nitro Dalmation DogAllow me to introduce you to two Girls who have had a PROFOUND impact on my life:
NITRO~ AKA: Gregg’s Nitro Methane Lawrence & MAGGS~ AKA: Gregg’s Maggie Mae Reagan Lawrence

For those of you who’ve followed our Racing at ANY time and ESPECIALLY if you’ve EVER been by our Pits in the last 15 Years, you’re WELL aware of our love for Dalmatians- actually, for the FIRST 15 Years, it was actually DalmatiaN- as in ONE! THEN, that all changed……………………

Maggie and Daisey-1You see, in 1996, BEFORE Disney introduced the Movie “101 Dalmatians”, Robbie and I went together and picked out the most WONDERFUL Puppy- actually, in fairness- SHE picked US, as I knelt there looking over a large litter of one of the cutest sites in the world- a bunch of goofy Dalmatian Pups- and then it happened- She climbed into MY Lap- it was Love at first site. I can feel the Tears welling up even NOW, all these years later, just thinking about it! OMG, did she weave her way into our Hearts! So, She picked us and it was SET! We registered her with the AKC- “Gregg’s Nitro Methane Lawrence”. Nitro Dog, for short, went EVERYWHERE with me, traveling with me to make Sales Calls for YEARS riding “Shotgun” in the Dually. I’m QUITE confident that She TRULY BELIEVED that the Dually REALLY DID belong to her- although (for complete clarity) – she actually never did make even ONE payment on that Truck! But, to HER, it was Home away from Home, stocked with Fresh Water in a “Spill-Proof” (kinda’) Bowl; 2 or 3 reserve supplies of more Water; Her Bed- Two- one Front AND one in Back, Dog Treats (Yep- PLURAL) and several of her favorite Toys. We were CLOSE, although I never wanted to admit it, but HOLY CRAP, Batman, I had truly Bonded with Ole’ Nitro Dog! Nitro had heard all my woes; she’d been with me in all the good times and had Loved me faithfully through all the bad times. Since the earliest days, I’d taken her in for EVERY shot, extra checkups, medical needs and wants, hopes and dreams to Hoffman Veterinary Clinic on Lancaster Avenue here in Salem, Oregon. Dr. Shimek and I became friends over the years, although Nitro never seemed to bond with him NEARLY as much as I did. (I think this had SOMETHING to do with the fact that EVERY time he saw Nitro, he shoved a Thermometer up her butt! I know that would affect MY desire to bond AND even to want to come BACK, if I were her!!) Nitro NEVER lacked for care, she received the very best food, $100.00 a gallon Shampoo (she had a “Skin Condition”) and even special “Ear Cleaner”. She lived a long life, receiving an exceptionally “Clean Bill of Health” at each and every visit, even outpacing her Breed’s Life Expectancy by years. Until………

In April of 2011, just shy of her 15th birthday, Nitro had a seizure and Robbie and I KNEW something was seriously wrong. I reluctantly took Nitro Dog in to see the Doc. After YEARS of providing me GREAT news, against all odds, today was different. Dr. Shimek was now somber and even he began to choke up just a bit, as he told me that he feared that Nitro had Cancer- and if he was correct, it was a fast growing type. The diagnosis came back the next day and the News was VERY Bad. I will tell you that this Big Tough Nitro Racer- Cried. I remember distinctly looking into those Big Brown eyes, as I could see the Pain growing in her each day as she became weaker. I knew we wouldn’t have long. I hurt profoundly too.

My Mom also knew the inevitable was coming and she wanted to step in and try to bring some much needed joy to our lives. What brings more joy than a puppy! She called me one day, SO EXCITED and told me, “I wanted to surprise you, but I CAN’T wait- “YOU NEED TO COME UP WITH A NAME FOR YOUR NEW PUPPY!” There WEREN’T any Dalmatian Puppies anywhere in OREGON, so she’d found one back on the East Coast! While I wasn’t sure I was ready for another Dog yet, I knew I’d better GET ready, ‘cause she was a commin’! My Mom wanted to have the new Puppy to have time together with Nitro Dog, for Nitro to “train” the new Puppy- but time was so short.

The day came and we went to the Portland Airport to pick up our new arrival- who was arriving on a Red Eye flight! When we saw the Dog Crate and opened it- to our utter amazement, there were TWO Dalmatian Puppies in it! My Mom was SUCH a softie that she’d ordered TWO Puppies- one for US and one for HERSELF!! So, immediately, we went from ONE Dog to THREE! We named ours Maggs in keeping with our Racing theme. Mom named hers “Daisy”- not having QUITE the passion to name her DOG after A/Fuel Dragster components!! Go Figure!!

Hoffman Sign- 2011-05-13Upon arriving at our Vets office, Hoffman Vet Clinic, for Maggs first visit (and the obligatory “Thermometer up the butt probe”- for Maggs, obviously!), we were welcomed, with the most wonderful surprise – The staff welcomed Maggs arrival by announcing it to the world, or at least to all those who traveled on Lancaster Avenue for about a week, by changing their reader board sign to read “It’s a Girl! For Gregg & Robbie” We were STUNNED & Overwhelmed! We Love those guys! Everybody should be so blessed to have a Vet like Dr. Shimek at Hoffman here in Salem! WOW! I’ve included a Pic of the sign they did for us, as it meant so much to us!

One of the Pictures in our Photo Album shows a VERY small Maggs the Dog on our Bed with a very sick Nitro Dog. We had them together for 3 days before Nitro’s time with us was at an end. Nitro has a virtual “shrine” here on our property. Although deeply personal, I’ve also opted to share a picture of the board I used to cover her in her grave, on which I wrote a deeply personal message. I’m sharing it here with you all, as it means something to us, as I suspect it will to anyone who has walked through similar circumstances.

Christmas of 2011 saw one MORE addition to our Dalmatian family as Santa HIMSELF delivered yet ANOTHER addition to our brood. My Bride, Robbie now has her OWN hound Dog, aka, Dalmatian Puppy. Owing to the Christmas delivery, she was named “Holly” Dog.


We miss Nitro constantly, however, our lives are QUITE full of Maggs & Holly who are the BEST of Buds, as they romp and chase each other ENDLESSLY- our manicured Yard notwithstanding. Okay, so it was NEVER COMPLETELY “manicured”, but it was a HELLUVA’ lot nicer than it is NOW!! But, our home is FULL of two Dogs who Love us unconditionally EVERY day, good times or bad, as we Love them too. I’m thinking that’s the way God designed it. Probably what he had in mind for US too, huh? May we Love each OTHER just the way Nitro, Maggs, Holly & Daisy Love us- Unconditionally, Faithfully and always FULL of UNRESTRAINED Joy to see us!

To those new to Gregg Racing- we are all about RELATIONSHIPS- so Thanks for checking us out! We are THANKFUL for YOU!

Gregg Racing~
Good Times with
Good People (and Great Dogs!)
At 260 MPH!
With a Dog’s Love~ Nitro Gregg~

Thanksgiving Weekend – Ed Beacham – Gregg Racing

I spent a really COOL Holiday weekend with My wife, my Mother, my Niece and my Nephew this past weekend~

We went to Sisters, to do some Christmas shopping and spend a little quality time together- While there we visited Ed Beacham, who owns his own small Biz~

It is a VERY cool Clock Shop that Robbie & I always check out when we’re here. This time when we went into his Shop, I noticed one of his particular Grandfather Clocks had a VERY unique & Mechanical type of “Movement” that I’d never seen before. We ended up talking for quite some time during which, I discovered that he had INVENTED that particular type of Clock Movement! The guy is a genius and yet, he is quite humble!! I was amazed! Eventually, I shared what we did- and he appeared equally impressed- although he shouldn’t be, as in fairness- we only ASSEMBLE Parts, albeit they are REALLY expensive Parts, but, we “only” assemble them nonetheless~

Mr. Beacham actually MAKES all of his own components- out of the Bare Stock!! There ISN’T any “Brad Anderson” of the Clock World to call and order Clock Parts from to build what HE built! I saw Brass Bar Stock hanging on the wall, as an example and the CNC Equipment he used to build each piece. I’m attaching a few Pics here of some of his “Handy Work”- ABSOLUTELY STUNNING feats of Engineering!!! I really am clear that these pictures in NO WAY do these Marvels of Engineering any more Justice than a Still picture of OUR Hot Rod does at Conveying the MAGIC, REALITY & true POWER of our A/Fuel Nitro Dragster. They are simply all I have or that I can offer for now! I felt a real connection with Mr. Beacham for his Engineering Prowess AND for one more thing: The two Clocks Mr. Beacham designed and that are Pictured here are EACH one of a kind- ON THE PLANET! And, although he was able to use a CAD/CAM Program and system to aid him in both designing and in manufacturing the components necessary to build EACH of these Mechanical Marvels, the fact remains that in order to even BEGIN to design the VERY FIRST PIECE, for EACH of these two very different Clocks the ENTIRE CLOCK was FIRST Built and each was WORKING PERFECTLY, down to the LAST detail- ……… in HIS MIND- I refer to this as “Beginning with the End in Mind”.

The Clocks had to FIRST work PERFECTLY, every component interconnecting with the next one in his Mind’s Eye FIRST, before the the production or manufacture of ANY gear, shaft or lever was even started! WOW! This process is the same one used by all of us who have a Dream or a Vision.

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For example, I already know what our new Car will look like- I’ve seen it make it’s first, Non-Tire Smoking Launch (a little inside humor there!!) Front End Up and dangling for the first 50′ or so, then, at about 150′, as the Clutch REALLY begins to come on Strong, I have already seen in my Mind’s Eye, the Front Left Wheel Lift up off the Track yet AGAIN, as all the Pipes behind me THUNDER with the sound of most of 30 Gallons per minute of Nitro Methane Exploding out of the 8 Headers as they shoot the telltale Yellow Flames, visible after Dusk, all the way up to the Massive Rear Wing. I’ve seen the Car then accelerate past 220 MPH in just over 3.5 seconds as I go blowing by the Orange Blocks – aka “Cones” that mark the Half Track increment as the Car continues to Accelerate down to the Big End of the Course – to where the Speed Trap Cones come at you so fast – they are simply a Blur – I’ve seen this in my mind’s eye all happen as I cross the Finish Line in 5.2 seconds at 270 MPH as the Chutes then come out to bring the Car safely to a Stop-

While running a 5.20 Pass at 270 MPH hasn’t yet happened on the Track- it first had to begin in my mind’s eye- as with Mr. Beacham’s Clocks- from there, it took the right parts, as it will for us.
Last year saw a huge increase in the needed pieces for Success, as several new pieces of Equipment were added to our Team. This is also true now with the investment now in our new Chassis- a significant upgrade for us. There is much more needed and to come in the way of Performance upgrades, or my performance goals will not be possible. So, please stay tuned!

For now, it was a weekend trip to Sisters with a visit to a Master Clockmaker that reminded me of the importance to begin with the End in Mind!

If you’re ever in Sisters, you REALLY must stop in and see Mr. Beacham and ask him if he’ll show you the two Clocks he designed! They’ll blow your mind! Not only is he an AMAZING Engineer and Clock Builder, he’s ALSO a REALLY Nice Guy! On a personal note, thanks for all the time you spent with me, Ed! I was in awe!!

Have the Courage to Dream Big, Begin with the End in Mind- Then?……….. GO DO IT!!

Nitro Gregg